Paras Sharma
Astro Grad @ SBU

Hi I'm Paras! aspiring astronomer currently pursuing my graduate studies in astronomy at the Stony Brook University in NY, US. I recently completed my undergraduate degree in physics at IIT Delhi in Delhi, India. I am interested in studying the universe with computer simulations. My main fields of interest are cosmology, astrophysics, and computational physics.

I am currently working with Prof. Jin Koda on understanding the spatial variation of pattern speed in Barred Spiral Galaxies. In the past, I have worked with Prof. Suprit Singh and Dr. Sunil Malik on “Investigating the Galactic Magnetic Field using MgII absorbers and background Quasars” at qGAL, IIT Delhi. I have also worked with Prof. Peter Martin and Dr. Antoine Marchal on “Exploring Thermal Properties of the neutral ISM using the spectra of atomic Hydrogen” at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University Of Toronto.

My latest CV can be found here.